BSCDaily hosts MULTIGAME #NFTs #Blockchain #MULTIGAME #P2E #playtoearn #BSC

BSCDaily – Admin: Hello and welcome, Jason | $MULTI How are you today? 

Jason | $MULTI: I’m very well, thank you. Rock n roll now please 

BSCDaily – Admin: Let’s go then!

Q1: Now to start the AMA, team MULTIGAME please have a quick introduction to the community. 

Jason | $MULTI: Hi everyone, a warm greeting to BSC Daily today,

I am Jason, currently being a Business Development Manager of Multigame. And today, I am here to help you understand more about Multigame – a multitasking platform of GameFi and NFTs. We not only have the most popular features to support GameFi projects and community, but we also develop our own Game.

BSCDaily – Admin: Alright, sounds interesting 

Q2: The entire market has become active due to the concept of P2E and NFTs Gaming. Can you walk us through the MULTIGAME NFTs Gamifi Platform?

Jason | $MULTI: Well. Multigame’s vision is to become a GameFi platform with multi-utilities where other GameFi projects can launch their new NFTs with a discount or kick off their token sale campaigns. And at the same time, members can trade NFTs on an only “GameFi Focused” NFTs Marketplace.

Also, holding $MULTI will receive additional NFTs in future. This mechanism is even applied for farmers. They will not only receive new $MULTI but also get rewards of new NFTs. These new NFTs will be assured by “NFTs Reward Pool”. This can be seen as a reward mechanism for those investors who stick along with Multigame for long time.

BSCDaily – Admin: Being a platform is promising and challenging at the same time, especially in this fast-paced crypto industry.

Q3: So, what is your unique selling point among dozens of projects out there doing NFTs/Gamifi?

Jason | $MULTI: Multigame concentrates on six main features: Fair-launch, Farming, INO, Simple LaunchPad, NFTs Marketplace, and GameFi Product.

But I would like to say that “Fair-Launch” is our distinguished advantage. I would briefly summarize.

– Dev team only use the capital from private sale to develop the project and does not hold any token.

– 69.5% of tokens are for farming (in 3 years). 20% of tokens are for more liquidity and community development. 10.5% of tokens are for private sale and public sale.

– Investors in private sales only receive 20% tokens at TGE, and they will go along with Multigame for 12 months.

– Last but not least, the listing Pancakeswap price ($0.022) will be the same as public sale and almost equal to private sale ($0.02) for everyone to have a fair opportunity.

Q4: I see you are opening your INO – Initial NFTs Offerings? Please walk us through that?

Jason | $MULTI: Sure. INO stands for Initial NFTs Offering. Multigame allows other GameFi platforms to launch their NFTs with exclusive offers.

For example, if a certain platform prices their NFTs with $100, they can launch their INO on Multigame with a limited amount at a special offer $50. This will help them having a certain number of long-term supporters at initial stage.

This is similar to token sale but only for NFTs

For other GameFi projects to understand how INO works, we will launch Multigame’s Magic Box sale as our first INO on 28th August. As we only sell 20,000 boxes and each wallet only can buy maximize 20 boxes, you need to register whitelist to join our INO.

You can register the whitelist by the link here:

Q5: Your team background seems strong, can you describe your core team to the community? Which past experience helped you excel in this space?

Jason | $MULTI: Let’s give a big thank you for everything to our CEO, @jesseaugust who is such a talented and experienced person. He brings our project to the community and launch it successfully.

So far, our team did very well and high effort. We have many features for GameFi and most of them were completed. However, if we release all the features at a time, it may be chaos for users as it is difficult to deeply understand each feature.

Therefore, we decided to release these features one after another by a designed roadmap to ensure the easiest approach for users.

You guys can check the Roadmap here:

Source : bscdaily

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