Pioneers React to Amazon Pi Domain

After numerous research, Pioneers discovered that Amazon Technologies created the domain.

Amazon Interested in Pi Network?

Pioneers across the Decentralized Finance (DeFi) space seek a response from Amazon after recently discovering an domain. There is a growing belief that the internet-based enterprise is interested in Pi Network.

During a Twitter space hosted by Pi News on January 28, notable Pioneers, including the founder of the Hungarian Pi community, Kozii, discussed numerous issues about the network. Some topics include Pi KYC, the Pi Hackathon, the Pi Amazon domain, and more. According to Kozzi’s findings, the domain was purchased by Amazon technologies before Pi Network was launched.

“If you go on and search, you’ll find that this domain was purchased by Amazon Technologies a few weeks before Pi officially launched in 2019. They actually used a service provider called MarkMonitor,” Kozzi said.

Following various research from other Pioneers, it was discovered that Amazon Technologies purchased the domain back in 2019. Kozzi disclosed that at some point, another Pioneer, Peter, called the Amazon legal team to confirm the domain purchase.

“Peter actually called up their office, which is in Nevada, their legal team. They even transferred him to a lady, and she basically said, at this current moment, she’s unable to comment on this matter,” Kozzi added.

There is still yet to be a response from Amazon regarding the issue. Whether the domain is Amazon’s property and their interest in the mobile mining platform remains. BSC News will update you as the story unfolds. You can also refer to the Twitter space to learn more about the issue.

What is Pi Network:

Pi Network is a novel cryptocurrency and developer platform that allows mobile users to mine Pi coins without draining the device’s battery. Pi’s blockchain secures economic transactions via a mobile meritocracy system and a full Web 3.0 experience where community developers can build decentralized applications (dApps) for millions of users.

Where to find Pi Network:

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