1BOX NFT AMA Transcript

“An #NFT marketplace dedicated to bringing top-notch IPs into the #metaverse. “

Andrew (BSC.News)

Hello everyone and welcome to the AMA with @official_1box ! 

Great to have you here 🙂


Hello Andrew, hello everyone!

Andrew (BSC.News)

So how this will work is, the AMA will consist of two rounds. The first round will be us going through the questions that I had prepared for you before hand. And then the second round will be a community round where I will open up the room to allow questions to come in. The second round is also where we will select the two winners of our giveaway

Sound good?


Sounds perfect to međź‘Ť

Andrew (BSC.News)

Okay great

to start things off

1. Please introduce yourself and the team behind 1BOX NFT.


Hello everyone, I’m Iris, COO of 1BOX NFT. Thanks for having me today

A little background about myself

I have been engaged in trading derivatives products in the trading department of an overseas securities company for over 10 years

I’m also heavily involved in the operation and management of large-scale financial derivatives platforms

But more importantly we have a solid team

Our team members are based across the globe

The core team is based in the US and Hong Kong and comes from leading traditional funding, banking and tech firms: one of the top three cryptocurrency exchanges, listed companies, banks and audit firms

We are specialized in various sectors, such as internet and blockchain business development, financial risk system design, NFT product design and management, financial derivates management and more

Andrew (BSC.News)

Okay great! Thank you for that introduction

2. What is 1BOX NFT? What is your goal with this platform?


1BOX NFT is an NFT distribution and trading platform that crosses to the metaverse

Our team is dedicated to bringing top-notch, cross-metaverse IPs into our ecosystem, and achieving liquidity enhancement and value discovery

1BOX NFT is formed by two parts

1BOX Invest: provides investment banking services and focuses on NFT distribution, operation and circulation that crosses to the metaverse

1BOX Exchange: provides trading services and focuses on establishing virtual cities in the metaverse, which covers entertainment, consumption, lifestyle, investment, interaction, etc.

Our goal is to make 1BOX NFT a platform that enables customers around the world to start a second life in the metaverse and discover artworks that appeal to their personal aesthetic and likings.

They can trade and collect these NFTs that guarantee high quality, high efficiency, low cost and high return

Andrew (BSC.News)

Yeah so let’s go more in depth with that

I know that you guys are kind of tackling the lack of liquidity with NFTs with aspects of DeFi

3. How have you integrated NFTs with DeFi aspects?



1BOX NFT notices that one of the enduring problems with NFTs has been not just with the lack of liquidity, but with their inability to generate passive income while sitting there only for flipping

Some existing projects are starting to create new fungible assets out of original NFTs, but the scale is limited to each separated, individual project

1BOX Exchange is a marketplace for exclusive NFT issuers to release and trade their NFTs on it. 1BOX Exchange users are able to resell, transfer, and even stake their NFTs for potential rewards

The rewards will be paid out with $1BOX, the native token of our platform, which can be freely traded on decentralised exchanges (DEX)

This fungibility increases the liquidity of the original NFT and enables it to plug into existing DeFi protocols, such as providing liquidity in liquidity pools of certain DEXs, in a more flexible manner

Andrew (BSC.News)

How does users staking their nfts help your platform?


Users staking NFTs on our platform will provide liquidity to the NFTs we issue. As trades and payouts are based on our native token, $1BOX, it also provide liquidity to it

Andrew (BSC.News)

Gotcha, so to touch on some features more

4. What kind of unique features do you offer?


1BOX NFT provides both investment banking services and trading services as mentioned before. There are four unique features we offer.

1. Universal NFT Industry chain

The industry chain looks something like this: NFT IP brokerage => NFT marketplace => NFT-DeFi => seamless metaverse

We are excited to share our innovation, by creating a virtual world that everyone can be a part of. In times, we are confident to be the place everyone goes to when it comes to metaverse and the quality of NFT

2.  The largest virtual world. We partner with multiple large entertainment firms and exchanges to build a strong and sustainable virtual world with top-notch user experiences and city planning

3.  Easy access to the metaverse. We collaborate with different projects and design NFT collection with a variety of virtual world’s features. Owners have their own identity and access in the metaverse

4.  Rewards aggregator. 1BOX employs a combination of the conventional strategies to aggressively expand our playbook, such as INO, off-chain promotion, early bird pricing, etc., granting you an access to increase rewards effectively

Andrew (BSC.News)

Yes and speaking of the virtual world

5. Can you tell us more about the Metaverse Festival?


The Metaverse Festival is a four-day celebration of music, culture, and creativity in the virtual social world of Decentraland

1BOX NFT was proud to be the exclusive strategic partner of Decentraland in Hong Kong to host this first-ever festival in the metaverse

1BOX has invited three famous music artists from Hong Kong, each from a different music field, i.e. DJ, pop music and symphony orchestra, for a rich cross-cultural, cross-universe experience

1BOX NFT has also launched Metaverse Festival-related NFT wearables, NFT enthusiasts could purchase them on our NFT marketplace to support their favourite artists

Andrew (BSC.News)

Oh wow that’s awesome! When does it start?


It was in October! But don’t worry if you missed it, we heard that there will be another festival in December and as the exclusive strategic partner of Decentraland, we are planning to take part in it and amaze the crowd once again;)

Andrew (BSC.News)

Okay very nice!

6. How do you choose what collections to feature?


We collaborate with different projects that have a promising potential and pick those according to the features and audience they have

Of course, our team’s goal is to bring top-notch IPs into the metaverse, so we especially feature those that are going to be available in the metaverse

Our team’s strong relationships with art collectors, production houses and exchanges, such as zb.com, Binance, Okex, Huobi, Mei Ah, etc.

We can leverage this advantage to form valuable cooperation and extract tremendous value

Andrew (BSC.News)

Fantastic, so last but not least

7. Any exciting news you would like to announce here today?


Looking back at the past few months, we are excited taht 1BOX NFT has seen a rapid growth

Our platform has only been officially launched in September. On November 9, we held two IDOs in DaoStarter and ERAX, and on November 11, we listed our $1BOX on zb.com and PancakeSwap

We are grateful for everything that our supporters have helped us achieve here. But we are not stopping here. We have a lot on our roadmap

In November, we are collaborating with another prominent NFT creator and will release an NFT collection with them

But perhaps the more exciting news is that, we are releasing the long awaited NFT staking function on our marketplace

NFT holders can stake their NFTs on our marketplace and earn rewards in $1BOX

The level of staking rewards will be determined by factors including the NFT’s properties and rarity to develop an income stream

Andrew (BSC.News)

Amazing! How exciting 🙂

Would you be able to provide us with links to your social media?


I know right:D

Official website:




Follow us so you don’t miss any latest news from us

Andrew (BSC.News)

Yes! Make sure to go and check out 1BOX everyone! They are soon going to bring the ability to stake your NFTs for passive income with tons of other features!This is a paid Ask Me Anything (AMA), BSC.News does not endorse and is not responsible for or liable for any content, accuracy, quality, advertising, products, or other materials on this page. The project team has purchased this advertisement AMA for $2000 Readers should do their own research before taking any actions related to the company. BSC.News is not responsible, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection with the use of or reliance on any content, goods, or services mentioned in the AMA.

Source : bsc.news

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