0% Purchase Fees on TrustWallet for 40 Popular Cryptos

Trustwallet´s +25 million users are getting more of their favorite cryptos for less.

Buying the Dip is Easier Now

The popular crypto wallet Trustwallet isn´t charging any purchase fees using Transak as a payment method until the end of February. 

The promotion was first announced via Twitter on February 1 for two weeks and then extended until February 28. It supports more than 40 cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Avalanche, Dogecoin, and Ripple.


The wallet is one of the most trusted, with more than 25 million users, supporting +50 blockchains and +1M digital assets. It allows users to buy cryptocurrencies with a credit card, instantly exchange them for others, display their NFTs, and browse their favorite decentralized apps.

Download the wallet here to start buying with 0% fees.

Source : bsc.news

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