Zeroswap AMA Transcript

BSC.NEWS hosts Zeroswap, a Multi-Chain, Zero-fee, On-chain Trading protocol with Liquidity Mining, DeFi Token Offering, and DEX Aggregation. All questions were answered by @Aayushi and @Gaurang Desai

KDOT (AMA Host): Room locked.

@a17jain are you able to type?

Aayushi: yes. I can type and I am here, live.

Gaurang Desai: Yes

KDOT (AMA Host): Perfect 🙂

Welcome @a17jain & @iamgaurangdesai Thank you for taking the time to attend today’s AMA. We’ve had huge success in community input, over 100 Questions 🙂 however i’ve narrowed it down so i don’t take your whole day up 😀

Aayushi: Sure, we will try to answer all of them with patience. Thanks all of you for being here.

KDOT (AMA Host): Something to note, once you’ve finished answering a Q, could you write ‘DONE’

Aayushi: Sure.

KDOT (AMA Host): just so i know you’ve fully answered it 🙂 Perfect. Let’s get the ball rolling, you ready?

Aayushi: Yeah.

KDOT (AMA Host): Could you both firstly give us a little overview of your roles inside ZeroSwap? @a17jain if you’d like to go first.

Aayushi: Yes, I co-founded ZeroSwap along with Chandrashekhar, he is not here, he is a techy and looks after development. My role primarily is understanding the users’ needs in depth, what they want, what sorts of problems exist on-chain, and then communicating it to the team. I also manage operations and day to day monitoring of the community.

Here is my bio:

For @iamgaurangdesai he is the first person to join us, he can explain about his role.

KDOT (AMA Host): Amazing 🙂 thank you! @iamgaurangdesai feel free to go ahead when ready.

Gaurang Desai: My role at Zeroswap is to take care of things related to marketing, social media activities and business development!

Aayushi: We are DONE, let’s move on to the next question.

KDOT (AMA Host): Perfect, well nice to meet you both 🙂 and now we have little insight, lets jump into the Qs 🙂

Q1: ZeroSwap is a multichain protocol and integrated with binance smart chain recently, can you explain what attracted zeroswap to BSC?


1. Volume – BSC is probably the only active chain, other then eth, having a significant volume

2. Users interest – We see lot of crypto users, actively getting involved into the BSC Ecosystem

3. Developer support – I must say that Binance offers grants, dev support and a lot of other community related support to build on top of them.

KDOT (AMA Host): Perfect 🙂 thank you! Yes we’ve had a huge spike in user interest recently!

Q2: Having been listed on ETH network first, is there a bridge for token holders to move over their tokens to BSC?

Gaurang Desai: Zeroswap Bridge: Binance Smart Chain. Easily swap between ERC20 and BEP20 versions of a Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain token. Yes we do have a bridge for ZEE ERC20 to ZEE BEP 20 –

KDOT (AMA Host): Amazing!

Aayushi: Having said that I want to clarify, that bridge does not affect the overall circulating supply, the supply remains the same overall which is 100 million $ZEE. Basically we are not burning tokens or minting new ones. Also the bridge is bi directional, ETH TO BSC, BSC TO ETH.

KDOT (AMA Host): Perfect, this makes total sense! thank you 🙂

Q3: What features will the DEX aggregation have?

Aayushi: Sorry for a delayed reply. Let me add features in detail here.

KDOT (AMA Host): No worries 🙂

Aayushi: Here are the features of ZeroSwap.

KDOT (AMA Host): Perfect, Done?

Aayushi: Done.

KDOT (AMA Host): Ok, while we are on the topic of Features, i want to take a deep dive into a few of them.

Aayushi: Sure.

Q4: The Gasless feature, how is this achieved?

Aayushi: Well that is done via transaction fee mining, so on Day 1 when the protocol is launched, we will bootstrap the gas from our side, later whenever there is a trade $ZEE tokens are generated and they are kept in a reserve and will be used to fund for the gas. Now users will say this way you keep burning $ZEE and their infinite tokens, or would you mint tokens? No we won’t. We will simply have utilities for $zee to keep circulating tokens in and out of the system. Consider amazon earning revenue from services like AWS, and running e-commerce business as a no profit no loss, we will have enough utilities around ZEE to provide enough value and fund for gas. Hope that clarifies.

KDOT (AMA Host): Yes, Thank you! 🙂

Q5: So with the Zero Fees for using the platform, do you need to be a token holder to take advantage of this? if so, how many tokens?

Aayushi: We will reveal all the details in some time. We do not want to leak the alpha. But yes $ZEE tokens need to be held for using the platform.

KDOT (AMA Host): hahah 😀 ‘alpha’! Thank you!

Q6: Developer friendly feature, could you elaborate how this will work? as it sounds exciting!

Aayushi: Like how developers are using uniswap as the core of DeFi for swapping any token, we will also have similar APIs for it.

KDOT (AMA Host): understood!, thank you!

Q7: Are there plans for limit orders within the DEX?

Aayushi: yes that is also in our roadmap. We will have it but not on day1.

Q8: Regarding liquidity providers, with the large amount of AMMs across BSC, how do you plan to incentivize them?

Aayushi: We will provide them LP rewards in $ZEE every time users provide liquidity to existing AMMs. This is an additional benefit on top of earning the existing AMMs tokens.

KDOT (AMA Host): oh wow! I really like this feature 🙂 Next next

Ok before I move onto other Questions, the BIG Q everyone is waiting for.


Aayushi: ZeeDO First utility on 18th Feb.

KDOT (AMA Host): oh wow, 2days from now 🙂 amazing!!

Q10: I also see you are looking to do Token Offerings, can you tell us how this will work?

Aayushi: Sorry for the delay. It is simple and very easy to use. users who are interested to buy

1. Get a proof of participation NFT,

2. A randomiser selects winners from the interested users.

3. Users win a proof of winning NFT. 

4. Tokens are sent to them.

KDOT (AMA Host): Perfect, & will users need to be token holders of ZEE to take part?

Aayushi: Yes they need to.

KDOT (AMA Host): Thank you 🙂

Aayushi: It is a 100% Transparent manner to raise funds for companies as well as users.

KDOT (AMA Host): Ok, perfect.. well last 2 Qs

Aayushi: Wait let me share some UI leaks here of ZeeDO

KDOT (AMA Host): Ok OK Do it!!

Aayushi: Here it is.

KDOT (AMA Host): very nice 😀 !!

Q11: What are ZeroSwap’s long term goals?


Build for users, get the best on chain DEX out there, this is my vision 24*7. I do not care for price, volume would be my core metric. If I can solve for three prominent problems existing on-chain

1.Gas 2. Trade Fee 3. Liquidity – Mission achieved

KDOT (AMA Host): 100% agree! I feel the motivation 🙂

Q12: anything you’d like to add? Leaks, alphas, roadmap etc..

Aayushi: ZeroSwap Official Announcements 

ZeroSwap is a MultiChain Protocol with Liquidity Mining, DEX Aggregation and DeFi Token Offering. Trade at Zero Fee and with Gasless Transactions. We are very transparent with all the updates on announcements, no leaks I have as of now. Just stay tuned on our channel –

KDOT (AMA Host): Perfect, that was the next thing, could you share all your socials / website

Aayushi: Sure.

@iamgaurangdesai can you provide this.

Gaurang Desai: is a Multi-Chain, Zero-fee, On-chain Trading protocol with Liquidity Mining, DeFi Token Offering, and DEX Aggregation. The protocol will reward users every time they make an on-chain trade and provide liquidity to existing DEXes. All transactions would be Gasless with Zero Trade Fee.



Telegram Chat


KDOT (AMA Host): Thank you both SO much for your time today! We will have a transcript up on our site very soon for anyone that missed the AMA. We at BSC NEWS really appreciate you both for attending! And wish you all the success. Do you mind sticking around just in case the community has other Qs?

Aayushi: Yeah we are available for community 

KDOT (AMA Host): amazing, I will open the chat now 🙂

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