It was Collins Dictionary word of the year in 2021. Last year NFTs set took the crown for the most money raised by a living artist when Pak’s Merge sold for a staggering $91.2 Million dollars. Suffice to say NFT is the new rock and roll this year. This is great if you’re a hyper-connected, tech-savvy investor with a great pile of cash and nothing to lose, but what about the rest of us? Well, you may be glad to hear you’re not the first one to ponder that very question. Enter JPEGvault, the world’s first NFT investment group.
“I guess you could say we had an epiphany. We realised we wanted to get involved in the NFT boom and of course since we knew the sector and had the skills we thought about just staking a claim, but once we looked into the market we realised there was a bigger opportunity hiding in plain sight. Clearly, the best investments demanded high ticket prices and in investments, it’s never wise to put all your eggs in one basket. So we thought why not see if we can level the playing field a bit. It’s not common knowledge but some of the most valuable art in the world is not owned by individuals, but by investment funds. The same is true of other esoteric investments. All over the world consortiums of investors have been quietly buying up classic cars, fine fines, and even trading cards. So, we thought why we don’t do that? Why don’t we put our own fund together and instead of risking all our capital in one project we could raise funds through our members and collectively decide where to invest?” – Sv2, JPEGvault Co-founder
Up, Up and Away
JPEG Vault’s idea seems to have gas too if you pardon the pun. They’ve just launched their IDO and already their NFT portfolio is worth 76 Ethereum, meaning they have effectively 15X’d their initial investment. Of course, the beauty is that every $JPG token sold means more buying power for the team, and better yet, each token represents one share in the portfolio’s value. So, the more tokens they sell, the more they can buy, and every token owner is also a shareholder in the collection.
Art for the People
As the project and community grow, token holders will also get a say in the direction of the fund. Initially, the developers have taken the reins and chosen what opportunities to pursue, but each token holder will get a vote in the future, making JPEG Vault a truly democratic DeFi organisation.
You can find out more about the JPEG Vault project here.
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