Named after the popular Reddit group which became a global phenomenon back in January, due to the GameStop GME euphoria and backed by one of its original founders Jaime Rogozinski, WSB dApp aims to bridge stocks and DeFi on Binance Smart Chain. Their new ETP (Exchange Traded Portfolio) protocol will act as a physical representation of a defined basket of stocks, that the community as holders of the governance token can vote on.
WSB’s goal is to solve the problems associated with fees and market manipulation that have always solely benefited centralized financial institutions.
WSB had its IDO token launch on April 20th, on BSCstarter, and sold out almost immediately. The WSB dApp, which is powered by WallStreetBets is pivotal to the WSB ecosystem as the functionality reallocating the special privileges of closed-door institutions to community members. It offers blockchain-backed financial instruments to index funds, offering a diversified portfolio with great long-term gains and at very low costs.
You can find more information about WSB dApp at their website at Their dApp however hasn’t launched yet.
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