The Seventh Layer Death Forthcoming Anti-Bot Feature With Blacklisting

The release of Sandman Finance’s seventh layer, Death, has been highly anticipated. They are overjoyed to provide their comic series’ last and most exciting layer. This layer is not just like any of their layers. It has many other exciting features that are yet to be explored. A blockchain crypto network’s first feature that anybody looks for is security.

To ensure the best security for their community, they added an anti-bot feature to their contract that uses the Blacklisting Technique. They have undergone specific assessments to establish a security system for their community with the launch of Sandman finance, seventh layer Death.

The Anti-bot Feature is now available in Sandman Finance Layer 7 using Blacklisting Technique, and this is not the first time it has been implemented in a project. The primary purpose of this functionality is to protect startup liquidity against bots. So let’s not take long and discuss what the anti-bot feature is and how this feature is different from the Anti-bot feature of other layers.

What is the mechanism behind it?

The Anti-Bot Feature searches for three things:

1.             Tx Is Higher Than Anticipated In Condition One

There should be no transactions that surpass the maximum threshold of 3% of the first liquidity amount — this criterion contributes to an equal launch. In a single transaction, no wallet will be able to purchase more than 3% of the original liquidity. As a result, the transaction will not be completed. An error message will be displayed.

2.             Wallet Balance Exceeds Expectations In Condition Two

No balance in your wallet should exceed the maximum allowable: 9% of the initial liquidity amount. This condition facilitates the detection of bots that attempt to acquire a large number of smaller transactions than are allowed and then merge them into a single wallet. Under these conditions, both the source and receiver addresses are validated, and the bot address is immediately added to the blacklist if this criterion is matched.

3.             Your wallet is already on a blacklist in the third condition

The current wallet should not be on the blacklist already. This condition checks whether the bot address was previously added to the blacklist. If this is the case, the transaction is null and void. In this case, both the source and receiver addresses are validated.

Mechanically Adding to the Blacklist

The Sandman Finance Team will be monitoring transactions while this function is enabled. Any suspicious address or transaction will cause the wallet to be manually added to the blacklist.

Timeframe for Feature Release

This feature will be activated before the token launch and disabled prior to farming.


Assume you believe you have been banned unexpectedly, and you may demonstrate that you are not a bot by providing authenticity proofs such as transaction logs, wallet addresses, and so on. Contact Sandman Customer Support for assistance in removing your name from the blacklist

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