Talkaboat AMA Transcript

“Podcast platform on #BSC powered by the Aboat Token. We bring you Earn 2 Consume (Listen, Watch, Play) in an growing entertainment ecosystem.”

Andrew (BSC.News):

Hello everyone and welcome to the AMA with Talkaboat!

Today we have the CEO of Talkaboat, Fabi joining us today to answer some questions and help out with the giveaway

Pleasure to have you here 🙂

Fabi @Talkaboat:

Hey Andrew, very happy to be here today 🙂

Andrew (BSC.News):

Yeah, it’s great to have you here

So how this will work is, the AMA will consist of two rounds. The first round will be us going through the questions that I had prepared for you before hand. And then the second round will be a community round where I will open up the room to allow questions to come in. The second round is also where we will select the two winners of our giveaway. Sound good? 😁

Fabi @Talkaboat:

Sounds good 👍

Andrew (BSC.News):

Fantastic, so to get things started

1. Please give us an introduction to yourself, how did you come to start Talkaboat?

Fabi @Talkaboat:

As you already mention, I’m Fabi, the CEO and Founder of Aboat Entertainment and very pleased to tell you something about the team, our vision and our first product: Talkaboat.

We’re a group of developers with a lot of work experience in full-stack development. Most of us were in the same team before as colleagues so we already know pretty well how to work together. At the beginning we were three developers and just wanted to create a proof of concept with a small website around it, as we didn’t engage with smart contract development that much before. Luckily we had a lot of knowledge in many different programming languages so we were able to adapt to solidity quite fast. We came up with the idea while discussing about common problems among content creators (mainly talked about podcasters and streamers).

We wanted to create an environment where people can enjoy content, get more incentives to discover unknown content creators and have an easy way to contribute to their favourite content creators. At the same time content creators should be allowed to put their focus solely on content creation and their community. After the discussion we defined the vision in many iterations. As we deliver many incentives to users we also had to came up with ways to make the ecosystem as stable as possible and I think the solutions we came up with are awesome and fit perfectly into the crypto space (they even were invented pretty much here). Up to now our team has grown a bit but we’re still mainly developers which seems to be quite rare in our state.

Andrew (BSC.News):

Awesome, thanks for that introduction. Very interested to learn more about how you guys went about solving the problem that the content creators faced!

So I guess my next question would be

2. What is Talkaboat? What was the need to implement this platform onto blockchain and how does blockchain make it better?

Fabi @Talkaboat:

We know that our vision to build a whole entertainment ecosystem is very huge. That’s why we decided to make it step by step. Our first product in the ecosystem will be Talkaboat, a podcast platform. We have

seen with competitors like Audius, that the area around music streaming is very happy to get support from an blockchain backed systems, as the need of third parties like publishers get weaker.

We want to dig even deeper and will bring some of the awesome features blockchain has to offer right into the system. We built a reward system into the bsc network which can fuel it self up without creating new tokens and without having to rely on any central organisation. We believe that blockchain technology will revolutionize many industries even though nobody knows in which direction. That’s why we choose another approach then other competitors with integrating a strong defi drive like our yield farm and the reward system into the system.

Andrew (BSC.News):

Yeah Fabi those are some great points that you brought up, but just to unpack a bit there

3. Can you tell us about the Aboat token and how it is used on your platform?

Fabi @Talkaboat:

Sure 🙂

The Aboat Token will be the fuel that powers our ecosystem. $ABOAT will allow users to buy premium content like NFTs, episodes, merch and much more. The token will also be used to purchase subscriptions, to enter lottery, community battles and many many features that will come in the future. We don’t want to be some hyper deflationary token by burning. We think it’s more important to deploy a system, that can power itself for several years, which leads back to the reward system. All our systems will have features to redistribute a small percentage of tokens back into the reward system where they are locked until they are claimed back into the market. That way we aim to build a system with a healthy deflation and inflation to keep the price up.

Andrew (BSC.News):

Oh wow, and merch as in the merch that content creators can put out through your platform?

Fabi @Talkaboat:

yes, they can open a merch store right on our frontend to sell their goods for ABOAT Token.

Andrew (BSC.News):

Right so you wanted tokenomics that will have a steady and healthy growth

Oh I see, very neat

Not sure if you touched on this but

4. Can you tell us more about your consume-to-earn mechanisms?

Fabi @Talkaboat:

We receive the question „what is consume to earn“ pretty often. It’s our shortening for watch, listen and play 2 earn. It also includes the creator side of view which would be create and share 2 earn. The aim is to use the consume 2 earn mechanisms to encourage the community to try out more and at the same time to be more open to donations for content creators. For content creators, this should take the pressure off of looking for funding and marketing opportunities and be able to invest more time in creating content and interacting with fans.

We build systems to keep our consume to earn mechanisms up and running by redistributing ABOAT Token

We won’t mint new Tokens for that, instead we find ways like the transaction fee on sells to get some coins back into our reward system smart contract

Andrew (BSC.News):

Oh I see so this would prevent inflation as I see a lot of projects have token prices falling all the time due to the amount that they mint

5. Can you tell us about your other unique features?

Fabi @Talkaboat:

Right. We have a set maximum limit of total supply and won’t get any more.

We’re working to integrate a fun way for creators to interact with their community. At the same time we want to incentivize this behaviour by letting them put something on the line. One feature would be the community battles. We’re developing a mini-game in which two or more content creators can challenge each other. At the beginning, an assignment is determined which can be filled with the help of the community. Alternatively, the community members and the podcaster can put their rewards at risk (e.g. 1 hour of listening time from each goes into the pot). Then the communities have to compete against each other in various mini-games, whereby the content creators always select the games. Over time we will bring out more and more features like this to strengthen the bond between content creators and the community

Our focus is and will always be on boosting the content creators visibility and integration to the community.

Andrew (BSC.News):

Oh wow that’s really cool! So it is trying to see which community is the most “faithful”

But in the end everyone wins

Fabi @Talkaboat:

Yes it’s supposed to bring more gamification into the whole system and give creators and their community a fun way to interact.

Andrew (BSC.News):

Right. So something I found to be really interesting on your site was the Shipyard. But I will leave that up to you to explain so with that, my next question is…

6. What is the Shipyard as well as the Lounge?

Andrew (BSC.News):

Top secret info?

Fabi @Talkaboat:

The shipyard is our crypto-space where new (A)boats are built and old ones are traded or staked. As we have a fully automated factory the workers don’t have to do that much. That’s why we built the lounge. In the lounge you can stake different coins like lp or single assets to generate more and more Aboat Tokens while listening to your favourite podcast (which also rewards you with Aboat Tokens 😉) We implemented a little uniqueness in our Master Entertainer contract which changes the daily rewards based on the 24h average price compared tot he previous day. If the price goes up, everyone will receive some more Aboat Tokens in Lounge the next day. But it also goes the other way around. Currently this change is capped to 2.5 % per day. This feature is one of our ways to manage supply and demand.

So the naming was our way to visualize the whole process of Token creation.

Just a little bit silly how we came up with the names 🤣

Andrew (BSC.News):

No I like the concept hahaha

Fabi @Talkaboat:

hope you forgive us. We love to bring fun into our names (like

Andrew (BSC.News):

There are hundreds of pools and farms out there named “project x pool”

Something unique is always nice

Fabi @Talkaboat:

Ah forgot to say done 👍

Andrew (BSC.News):

So does the master entertainer contract have anything to do with the daily tasks that we’re about to get into now?

Fabi @Talkaboat:

No, it’s another separate system. We try to connect many cool features that the blockchain ecosystem can deliver in an unique way to boost our own entertainment ecosystem.

Andrew (BSC.News):

Okay so let’s talk about that then

7. What are daily tasks? What is the reward and how does this incentivize users to keep coming back?

Fabi @Talkaboat:

We introduce daily task as part of the gamification which will show up in almost all of our features. We differentiate between global and local tasks. Global tasks are given by our system while local tasks are set for content creators to give their community an incentive to listen their newest episode, like their podcast or fill a quiz with questions about their podcast. As reward people can claim Aboat Token for global tasks. Local tasks will give a set amount of Aboat Tokens which will be set by us and an extra which can be given by the content creator itself. In the gaming scene these daily tasks are already pretty common but it’s not widely used in „normal“ apps nor in dapps.

We hope to give our Community a fun way to interact with our platform that way and provide something unique that you don’t have everywhere.

It should also incentivize users to try out new features which they wouldn’t have tried otherwise.

Andrew (BSC.News):

Very cool, nice for content creators to interact with their community and know that they are engaged with the content

8. I see that there will be 10% of tokens allocated to charity. Can you tell us more about this and what it means to you that you can donate money to charity?

Fabi @Talkaboat:

We really loved the idea to use some of the fees to make the world a better place. But as there are always different opinions on where to spent the amount we’ll introduce a smart contract which will control the sent charity tokens. When it reaches a defined amount the community can vote where the donation should be sent to. It will be completely governed by the community as we believe that it can make the bond in our community even stronger.

We see many shortcomings around the world and even if it’s just a drop on a hot stone. If more projects do this we get a stream of drops which might be able to cool the stone.

Andrew (BSC.News):

Very cool Fabi, glad to see that you guys have that kind of mindset

So last but not least

9. Any exciting news you would like to announce here today?

Fabi @Talkaboat:

We’ve just started our presale phase and the whitelist is already open! Our first sale will be on 19.09. at 18:00 UTC. We’re also in contact with first partnership and hope to give more details about it soon. For now you can freely enter our whitelist on or try out some of our features like searching and listening for podcasts. Please be aware that our features like the reward system are only active on the testnet for now so you can see rising rewards but you won’t be able to claim them on mainnet. In October we’ll add the function to setup your profile to start getting real rewards. Launch will be early to mid November as we want to run another Audit with CertiK after our first sale round. Our first Audit was successfully and we received a big thumbs up for our code structure.

Andrew (BSC.News):

Nice! and could you provide us with links to your social media that you would like the community to follow?

Fabi @Talkaboat:

Will do so gladly:







Fabi @Talkaboat:

Thank you too Andrew 🙂

Andrew (BSC.News):

For everyone here make sure to go check out Talkaboat, they are coming up with new and innovative ways for content creators to deliver content to the community and engage with them like never before. Go find your favorite creators and be rewarded for being part of the community!This is a paid Ask Me Anything (AMA), BSC.News does not endorse and is not responsible for or liable for any content, accuracy, quality, advertising, products, or other materials on this page. The project team has purchased this advertisement AMA for $2000 Readers should do their own research before taking any actions related to the company. BSC.News is not responsible, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection with the use of or reliance on any content, goods, or services mentioned in the AMA.

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