The seventh layer, Death, the Sandman Finance comic voyage, comes to a close! If you’re looking for a secure and stable yield farm in the Polygon Network with high APYs and a dedicated Dream Guardian Team dedicated to the development, you’ve come to the correct spot.
Sandman Farm is a great place to put your money. A lot is going on at the Sandman Finance department. And we’d like to share them with the rest of the community so that everyone can partake in their happiness. Sandman Finance is about to begin on a comic adventure that will reveal layers upon levels of information.
They’re getting close to the final layer of the seven comic layers they talked about a few months ago, and they’re saving much stuff for the end. They’ve devoted a lot of time and effort to the launch of the seventh layer, Death. Even though the area is still young, DeFi initiatives will deliver a lot.
Let’s discuss what the hype is all about! Sandman Finance has a long history of success in this area, having learned about safety from various sources throughout the years. With the previous six levels, they had much success—new features in the seventh layer, Death. This seventh layer of Death is about to enter the fray, ready to wreak havoc on farms using tokens.
The Most Up-to-Date Features In The Seventh Layer Death
Here’s a little peek at what’s in store:
- A smart contract named MasterChef manages to farm. Their development team has been hard at work on their new front-end dApp’s UI and UX. They are constantly searching for ways to make the community better. They used layers to add features to each of them. As a result, this new MasterChef has a lot of additional features.
- You’ll be able to improve what you’ve put in their pools/farms now as well. As a result, everyone who has NFTs will receive a higher dividend.
- Every time you use NFT to boost your Farming experience, you will get a different experience. As you utilize it more, a result gets more valuable.
- Farming is helpful early, even though it is a disputed characteristic. With this harvest lockup option, you’ll be able to keep higher rates and APRs for a more extended amount of time.
- NFT has always been a priority for Sandman Finance. They promised that anyone who joined them through the seven layers would get rewards from the start. Pre-sale gifts to individuals who have been a part of the comic adventure since the beginning of the seventh layer will be given.
One Layer, 2 NFTs
Because this is the final layer, they have chosen to provide the two endless that are still lacking to complete the 7-figure collection. As a result, layer 2 NFTs are as follows: The following items will be available for purchase during the Presale:
- NFT Destiny
- A sale of Death NFT.
Next Up Is The Special NFT
Collecting the 7 NFTs of the Endless is how you get your passport to the V2 of Sandman finance. Those that join them in the seven chapters, as always, will be rewarded. After that, you can exchange the seven NFT cards for an Endless NFT card. And this will be the method to proceed with the platform’s second generation.