PancakeSwap Crosses 1,000,000 Twitter Followers, What’s Next for This BSC Giant?

All indicators point to future growth for this Binance Smart Chain protocol.

King of the Rabbit Hole

PancakeSwap has reached another landmark as its Twitter follower count surpasses 1 million. The AMM marked the occasion with a celebratory tweet to thank users for following.

As we reported earlier this month, the PancakeSwap Twitter account added around 70,000 new members in June. The growth displays no signs of slowing as the daily follower count on the platform continues to increase by an average of 2,516 a day. 

While social media metrics are one indicator of success, more direct measurements are also instructive. The value of assets locked in the protocol, known as the total value locked (TVL), now sits at close to $8 billion. 

It is also one of the top Dapps across all ecosystems according to CoinMarketCap. A recent report from analyst firm DappRadar even went as far as to label PancakeSwap the ‘crown jewel’ of the Binance Smart Chain ecosystem. 


Deflation Next?

recent tweet from PancakeSwap has offered some insight as to what users might expect next from the team. On July 26th a tweet from the protocol confirmed that 5,669,455 $CAKE tokens were burned, the equivalent of $83 million. Moreover, the tweet concluded by saying, ‘Emission reduction next week?’

The posts seems to indicate that PancakeSwap will reduce the number of $CAKE tokens being minted. Users can only speculate by how much, but a reduction in the emission rate could provide a path towards a deflationary $CAKE token.

New Features

Elsewhere, PancakeSwap documentation reveals the to-do list of features which the company wishes to roll out in future. Among these are lending and borrowing features for BSC and LP tokens, margin trading, fixed-term staking and NFT gamification.

Which of these improvements will roll out first is hard to say. Of their own ‘roadmap’ PancakeSwap doesn’t have an order.

“OK so it’s not actually a roadmap: it’s a to-do list, in no particular order, with no particular timeline. This is how we work: as fast as we can, on the things we can. Pivoting is a way of life” stated the PancakeSwap team.

While that may be a slightly unorthodox admission, it seems this working method has served them well so far. It’s hard to argue with a success story like PancakeSwap.

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