Lonsdale Energy x MintGreen Ink Contract for “innovative low-carbon heating solution.”
North Vancouver (B.C., Canada) accounts for a hydronic district energy system heating over 100 residential and commercial buildings. Now, the City-owned, acclaimed district energy utility, Lonsdale Energy Corporation (LEC), will decarbonize to embrace renewable and clean energy. Innovative new technologies will now be used by the LEC to implement bitcoin mining as a heat source for the district energy system with MintGreen.
Per a PRNewswire press release, LEC and MintGreen have entered into a contract. MintGreen’s Digital Boilers will now “prevent 20,000 tonnes of GHGs” from mixing with the atmosphere (per MW as against natural gas). Digital Boilers will be used as cost-efficient low-carbon heating technology for producing bitcoin and thermal energy.
According to a release, the city-owned Lonsdale Energy Corporation (LEC) has reached a deal with MintGreen, a Burnaby-based clean-tech crypto mining company, to use recovered heat electricity from bitcoin mining to help heat nearly 100 residential and commercial buildings connected to the district energy utility.
MintGreen’s Digital Boilers tend to “recover over 96% of the electricity used for bitcoin mining in the form of heat energy.” This saved electricity can sustainably provide further heating for buildings. Beginning in 2022, MintGreen’s low-carbon heat source will be used for LEC for the agreed duration of the partnership.
Per PRNewswire, LEC CEO, Karsten Veng, said:
Being partners with MintGreen on this project is very exciting for LEC, in that it’s an innovative and cost competitive project, and it reinforces the journey LEC is on to support the City’s ambitious greenhouse gas reduction targets.
Whereas, MintGreen CEO, Colin Sullivan, said:
The complex issue of climate change requires innovative solutions, and LEC, with the City of North Vancouver, is showing tremendous leadership in environmental stewardship.
Source : bsctimes
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