Miami Crypto Experience AMA Transcript

Nov 10-12, 2021 at the James L. Knight Center #MiamiCrypto – Workshops – #NFTs – Keynotes – Giveaways – Networking – Win a McLaren

Andrew (BSC.News)

Hello everyone thank you for the wait!

Today we have @kylekemper and @zer0kewl5 joining us to talk about the exciting Miami Crypto Experience 🙂

Great to have you guys here

Kyle Kemper

I’m here and ready to roll! Great to be here

Zer0 Kewl

Thank you for hosting !

Andrew (BSC.News)

So how this will work is, the AMA will consist of two rounds. The first round will be us going through the questions that I had prepared for you before hand. And then the second round will be a community round where I will open up the room to allow questions to come in. The second round is also where we will select the two winners of our giveaway

Zer0 Kewl

#miamicrypto in the building

Andrew (BSC.News)

Sound good?

Zer0 Kewl


Kyle Kemper

Sounds Great

Andrew (BSC.News)

Hahaha awesome Kyle!

So to kick things off

1. Please introduce yourself and the team behind the Miami Crypto Experience.

Zer0 Kewl

Zer0 founder and lead organizer

We started this company less then 1 year ago with an extreme focus on education and community

Kyle Kemper


Andrew (BSC.News)

Awesome, thank you for that intro guys!

Kyle Kemper


Andrew (BSC.News)

So really awesome idea with the event that gets me really excited so let’s talk more about it

2. What is the Miami Crypto Experience?

Zer0 Kewl

Miami is the crypto hub of the USA currently and we are excited to host this amazing crypto community in the downtown James L Knight Center with room for 5K attendees

Kyle Kemper


Zer0 Kewl

Miami Crypto Experience is an educational crypto experience company who is hosting the first ever meta verse world and in person hybrid event. We believe that experiencing crypto is the only way to adoption whether that be in real life or a metaverse

We have developed both for this event checkout our 3d world at

Andrew (BSC.News)

OKay yeah I really like the way that you put it saying how it is more of an experience for people to learn rather than a plain conference

Zer0 Kewl

We also have the first NFT ticketing platform for our in person and meta verse

Kyle Kemper


Andrew (BSC.News)

3. What are you offering at the event?

Zer0 Kewl

3 Days of action packed crypto experiences and immersive workshops in Miami FL

Kyle Kemper



Andrew (BSC.News)

Yeah I saw the Bare Knuckle Fighting which was an awesome idea to integrate that into a crypto event!

So moving on

4. How can users purchase a ticket to the event? And what are the different kinds of tickets they can purchase?

Zer0 Kewl

We are hosting the world’s first ever AI driven hologram keynote of Tim Draper. Audience members will be able to ask him questions. Tim’s hologram and AI will respond! Kyle is the curator of this amazing experience with Tim and he will be co hosting with Rachel Wolfson on our main stage. is the main way to do so

Kyle Kemper


Zer0 Kewl

We have a make me into a NFT VIP ticket, General Admission, and Meta verse ticket option

General Admission tickets get attendees into all day and night activations

Kyle Kemper


Andrew (BSC.News)

Oh wow that’s really cool!

Kyle Kemper


Andrew (BSC.News)

And also that you guys are willing to help those who can not afford to get in

Zer0 Kewl

We are blessed to have a unique authentic crypto team behind this event curating real learning experiences

100% self funded company who believes crypto is about freedom

We are on a mission to educate the world through experience

Kyle Kemper


5. Can you tell us more about how the metaverse experience will work?

Zer0 Kewl

It’s a fully immersive world custom built on the unreal engine that works on 100% of mobile devices

Kyle Kemper


Zer0 Kewl

Buy you ticket and enter the meta verse on any device

Andrew (BSC.News)


So my next question is

6. Can you tell us more about the agenda?

Kyle Kemper



Zer0 Kewl

Love how Kyle is showcasing that even this AMA is now an experience !!! #miamicryptoexp

7. Who are the speakers?

Kyle Kemper


Zer0 Kewl

Headliners : Tim Draper, Michael Terpin, Paul Puey, Reeve Collins, Alex Tapscott, and Rachel Wolfson

Kenn BRO BRO Bosak #stakenfts

Mark Moss


Kyle Kemper



Zer0 Kewl

Come to Miami !!!

Andrew (BSC.News)

Always wanted to go to Miami so sounds like the perfect opportunity!

8. Where will the event be held?

Andrew (BSC.News)

Aside from being in Miami haha

Zer0 Kewl

James L. Knight Center downtown heart of Miami

Kyle Kemper


Zer0 Kewl

Epic venue with room for 5K ++ attendees on the water with outside areas for all to enjoy

Andrew (BSC.News)

But nice you guys got a space in the heart of Miami with even the mayor coming out!

How exciting

So last but not least

9. Any exciting news you would like to announce here today?

Kyle Kemper


Zer0 Kewl

20% off for anyone paying in BTC with code “Bitcoin”

BTC Pay server is charging us no fees!!! #miamicrypto


Kyle Kemper


Andrew (BSC.News)

Awesome thank you guys! Would you be able to provide us with links to your social media accounts that you would like the community here to follow?

Kyle Kemper


@kylekemper on Twitter

@kylejjkemper on insta (beware o imposters there…)

@miamicryptoexp on twitter @expcrypto on instagram

@expcrypto on TikTok- that account will be going live soon

We are giving away a Mclaren to one lucky person

Here’s a link to my book if you care…

Zer0 Kewl

This one to be exact

I’m also going to giving away Swiss Key NFC wallets at the event

from our incredible title Sponsor @carmacoin

And their new project MagicSwap

Andrew (BSC.News)

Awesome! Make sure to go check them out everyone! They are putting on a huge crypto event to spread the word and bring the crypto community together. And best of all you get to learn so much and meet tons of people who are into crypto as well!This is a paid Ask Me Anything (AMA), BSC.News does not endorse and is not responsible for or liable for any content, accuracy, quality, advertising, products, or other materials on this page. The project team has purchased this advertisement AMA for $2000 Readers should do their own research before taking any actions related to the company. BSC.News is not responsible, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection with the use of or reliance on any content, goods, or services mentioned in the AMA.

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