ManySwap AMA Transcript

Manyswap is powered by the amazing technology of Binance Smartchain, and is going to radically change the way interact with money. All Questions are answered by @manyswapv1 (Frank | ManySwap✨) and @manyswapdev (Manyswap #1 AMM DEX)

Crypto Shrimp (AMA Host): On behalf of BSC News, let’s welcome Manyswap team for an AMA today. @MANYmod @manyswapdev are you guys ready ?

Frank | ManySwap✨: Hello Everyone!

Manyswap #1 AMM DEX:  Hi

Crypto Shrimp (AMA Host): how are you guys doing today ?

Frank | ManySwap✨: Amazing day with our Amazing Community.🙂

Q1 Thats great! Let’s kick start with an introduction of you and your team, what are your past experiences and roles?

Frank | ManySwap✨:We have launched few products & services before on Ethererum & Tron blockchain. They got some serious attention in the market, but just because high fees on Ethereum it did not picked up as much as like Manyswap.We are small team of 10.

2 founders.

3 Core Developers

3 UI/UX designer

2 Marketing Managers

Crypto Shrimp: thats a good size team i would say, so Im assuming you are one of the cofounders and @manyswapdev is the core dev?

Frank | ManySwap✨: Yes, you are right.

Q2 I’m curious as to how experienced are the dev/engineers on the team?

Frank | ManySwap✨: One of our Core Developer have 5 years experience in Solidity. More than 20+ products live in the Crypto Market. Now we have more confident in our ability deliver any product related to DeFi.

Q3 Pls do give us an overview of Manyswap, what is it about?

Frank | ManySwap✨: We are a Fork of Uniswap. Manyswap is the the first decentralized (AMM) to implement the affiliate revenue sharing model on the BSC network. Users can earn 0.1% in commission on trading fees for each referral. The platform also allows users to swap tokens and create new liquidity pairs. Through adding to the liquidity pairs users can earn liquidity incentives and trading fees.

Q4 Is there any particular reason why did you choose to fork from Uniswap?

Frank | ManySwap✨: We are a Big fan of Uniswap. It’s a proven & successful business model. Pancakeswap also a fork of Uniswap & it’s got succeeded like anything. We wants to come up with some extra features like affiliate system, Staking Finance & NFT Marketplace.

Crypto Shrimp (AMA Host): Thats great, being a fan and adding features will make it even more attractive.

Q5 Do tell us what are the use case of $MANY?

Frank | ManySwap✨: As of now it’s a Exchange native token. In future we will be having more DeFi products such as NFT Marketplace & DEX aggregator. And $MANY will be the core currency for accessing our products. Also we are on the process of making some potential partnerships with industry leaders, it will bootstrap our usability everywhere.

Q6 I can see that there are many interesting pairs on the farm, eg MANY-CAKE LP, do the they need to be collaborate with Manyswap before you guys creat it? or how do you decide when to add a certain pair?

Frank | ManySwap✨: As of now it’s a Exchange native token. In future we will be having more DeFi products such as NFT Marketplace & DEX aggregator. And $MANY will be the core currency for accessing our products. Also we are on the process of making some potential partnerships with industry leaders, it will bootstrap our usability everywhere.

Q7 I can see that there are many interesting pairs on the farm, eg MANY-CAKE LP, do the they need to be collaborate with Manyswap before you guys creat it? or how do you decide when to add a certain pair?

Frank | ManySwap✨: Good question. Most of the users have certainly asked this. As of now, we are deciding the pairs based on their weightage, security & popularity in the market. We are welcoming new partners to associate with us based on our check list.

Crypto Shrimp (AMA Host): Listening to the community will never go wrong and they have good suggestions too

Frank | ManySwap✨: Forget to mention, the recent we have launched 8 new pairs, all are based on the community suggestions.

Crypto Shrimp (AMA Host): that’s a fine example of not just listening but making it work

Q8 I read that $MANY supply is infinite, is there any strategies in place to reduce the supply?

Frank | ManySwap✨: Yes. The supply is infinite. Our burn & Buyback Mechanism is the key to reduce the supply. Also we have an option to reduce the daily Emission (Block Reward) of $MANY to control the constant inflation.

Q9 How safe is Manyswap, I guess before doing any investment this is one of the area of concern that one will check upon. Is there any audits done?

Frank | ManySwap✨: Security is our priority to protect our Community Fund.

1. We have removed the Rug pull Migrator code.

2. One of the leading Auditing company Certik is auditing Manyswap.

3. Also we Initiated with CertikShield, its a decentralized on-chain pool to reimburse lost or stolen assets. As a decentralized pool of risk-sharing, CertiKShield is an innovative alternative to insurance for reimbursement of crypto assets.

Q10 Is there any fees when we invest in ManySwap? Besides this, how are revenue being generated for the project itself that could be used on future development?

Frank | ManySwap✨: 

1. Zero fees on Providing Liquidity & farming pairs

2. We are charging 4% deposit fee in StaFi pools other than $MANY token pool. This 100% fee will be used for buy back $MANY from the market.

3. We are generating 0.1% revenue from the trading fees from the DEX.

Q11 Do you have a road map or long term plans that you can share on Manyswap?

Frank | ManySwap✨: Yes we have. The clear Road map updated in the pitch deck document. Same document available in our official website

Q12 Could you share with us the links to manyswap social media/medium/TG etc, so as to let users know more about the project?

Frank | ManySwap✨:

Third party Exchange where our $MANY Token is Listed

Q13 The last question today, what alpha or juicy news are you able to provide the audience today on Manyswap that is upcoming?

Frank | ManySwap✨: Yes we have some interesting updates.

1. Innovative Lottery system is on beta testing. We are expecting to deliver in one week.

2. Also we are on the final stage of some strategic partnership with industry leaders. We will announce it once we got the go-ahead.

And we want to hear from community as well. Good questions will receive the reward of $MANY.

Crypto Shrimp (AMA Host): Thank you for your time, that will be all the questions I have, I”m sure we have learnt a great deal of the project itself.

Frank | ManySwap✨: Thanks, wonderful time we had.

Manyswap #1 AMM DEX: Thank you so much for your valuable time.

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