Online trading platforms have grown in prominence as a result of crypto’s recent success. So to move a step ahead, Lunapad presents the new LP BNB Staking pools live on Safeswap online. Safeswap online has also listed the Lunapad Token on its platform.
Those new to Safeswap online must know that Safeswap Online is a decentralized cryptocurrency exchange that allows users to trade various altcoins. It employs an automated market-making technology that assures constant liquidity.
New projects are continuously being introduced, and users who possess platform Lunapad tokens have a better chance of obtaining IDO. Luna-Pad is a significant supporter of providing exposure to new initiatives ready to join the Terra and BSC ecosystems. Staking adds Luna-Pad owners to IDO’s allow lists, enabling users to subscribe to IDO and allowing them to get Luna-Pad Tokens at a fixed 20% annual rate of return. So now you can get your Lunapad Token on safeswap online.
We’ll talk about the Luna-Pad listing on Safeswap Online and the Lunapad token in this article. Let’s get started!
About Safeswap Online
Safeswap online is a decentralized cryptocurrency exchange that allows users to redeem, claim, or swap blockchain-based products, assets, and collectibles for other blockchain-based assets like cryptocurrencies.
Safeswap Online employs the PCS2 protocol and so does not function as a middleman between buyers and sellers but instead merely replicates the PCS2 smart contracts on its platform, allowing it to focus on other areas of its business model through transaction fees and commissions
Customers may immediately switch or exchange cryptocurrencies without handing up custody of their cash to a third party or custodian. By design, peer-to-peer transactions take place swiftly between users’ wallets, a procedure termed as a swap by some.
What Is Lunapad?
Luna-pad is a peer-to-peer (P2P) revolutionary Launchpad for TerraLuna ecosystem and Binance Smart Chain new project launches (BSC). Since the Terra ecosystem’s adoption is skyrocketing, it comes up with the most innovative technology. In the core plan of Luna-pad, there are numerous use cases such as Launchpad (TerraLuna & BSC ecosystem).
Luna-Pad allows its investors can participate in the token sale that Luna-Pad holds on its Launchpad. Luna-main pad’s goal is to serve various purposes, such as Launchpad (TerraLuna & BSC ecosystem). Wallet on the go Payments can be made using a credit card or a debit card from VISA or MasterCard using a mobile wallet.
Lunapad Token
- Token Name: Lunapad
- Blockchain: BSC
- Total supply: one hundred million
- 6,000,000 Lunapad initial supply
- Round Table Discussion in the Community (Hard cap filled)
- 2,000,000 TOKENS FOR SALE
- 30 BNB/63.83 BNB = SC/HC
- An investment of 20% and 10% after every 15 days.
Their smart contracts have already been adequately evaluated and methodically developed to ensure that the produced BNB and tokens are protected at all times within the smart contract.
Token Contract:
Launch: LIVE
Token Allocation
- Pre-Sale: 10%
- Seed Sale: 2%
- Team: 7%
- Development: 10%
- Partnership: 5%
- Liquidity: 6%
- Marketing: 8%
- Staking Rewards: 15%
- Farming Pool Rewards: 25%
- Reserve: 10%
- Airdrop: 2%
SafeSwap Online Listed Lunapad-BnB-lp Staking Pool
Safeswap online is a staking platform for multiple tokens. Throughout the consecutive years, they have made this possible that different tokens are listed on their website from where you can stake and earn. For the feasibility and ease of users, Safeswap online has an easy user interface for staking pools. We are delighted to announce that Safeswap online listed Lunapad Token on their platform.
The Lunapads Staking pools are now live on Safeswap online. Don’t forget to check them out!