Fork Finance AMA Transcript

A defi factory on Binance Smart Chain that produces defi-project in a yield farming way

All questions answered by Jerkill

Lola(AMAHOST):Cana team member from Fork finance say hi


Lola(AMAHOST):How’re you doing today?

Jerkill:Pretty good!

Lola(AMAHOST):Ibelieve you are ready for the AMA ☺️

Jerkill:Really looking forward to today’s AMA.


Shall we start?

Jerkill:Let’s start

Q1. Can you give us a generalintroduction of you and Fork Finance? Could you tell us your role inthe project?

Jerkill:I’mjerrkill, I’m a solidity development framework “Truffle”community contributor and the smart contract developer for ForkFinance. Fork finance is  a “launchpad” platform togive other defi projects a place to start. But the different part iswe use a dual token system. The first token called $Fork which is themain token in our protocol, our team try best to give the value withlots of ways like “buy back” or “high apy yieldfarming”. Our mission is make the $Fork powerful and valuable.And, the second token called $Check. This token generated by farming,stake tokens like $BUSD, $BNB or $Fork to earn $Check token. Then,users could use $Check token in our Cash event (launchpad event) toconvert $Check to the new defi project token. And all $Check tokenswill be burnt right after the event.

Lola(AMAHOST):That’sgreat. Having two tokens

Q2. How many team members do youhave working with you? And can you also tell us their roles?

Jerkill:There were 10 members in our teams, but for some reasons themarketing and operation team quit Fork Finance. At present, we havethree developers and lots of community contributors. We are nowrecruiting new marketing and operation teams. So, if anyone wants tobe part of Fork Finance core team could send email to[email protected].

Q3. Can you tell us about Farming inFork Finance

Jerkill:In Fork Finance, users are not only farming the $Check tokens, butothers lots of promising new projects. Users could use $Check to swapother project IDO shares.All $Check token will be distributed in thefarming period. So users could stake lp tokens or single token toearn $Check easily.

Lola(AMAHOST): Thatmeans users can stake as soon as they get in right


Q4. Can you tell the Community abouthow Fork Finance works generally?

Jerkill:Forthe inital period, our core team make every decisions for choosingthe farming pools and cash event project or even flash event. Butwe’ll transfer our right to the community which means the $Forkhodlers could vote to change any part of Fork Finance. We havealready released our snapshot Our main mission is tocreate a decentralize protocol not centralize one.

Lola(AMAHOST):Ohhgood. Any reason behind creating dex protocol?

Jerkill:Since, users need trust us not be evil all the time if we arecentralize. But in blockchain world, code is law. As long as code isgreat, users should not affect by any others factors during using adefi project.


Q5. What are the benefits or Rewardin Fork Finance?

Jerkill:About the benefits of Fork Finance, I would say “SAFU”.Since, all $Check tokens are distributed in a “free”way.(Just stake some tokens). But, users could use this “freetoken” to swap the valuable startup defi project’s share. Andour teams are always trying to deliver the best protocol to ourcommunity.

Q6. How many Partners do you have?And what do you expect from them?

Jerkill:Lotsof DEFI protocols have worked with us like $lowb(they are prettyfamous in Chinese community and listed some CEX ). They have providedthe huge amount of community to our Fork Finance which means thereare more people will notice and join $Fork family. Also, they gavesome tokens to us , $Fork family could enjoy those promisingprojects.

Lola(AMAHOST):Wow!That’s nice. Your experience with them seems to have been good?

Q7. How is the transaction fees inFork Finance?

Jerkill:Much less than developing our protocols on Ethereum for sure. ButBNB’s price is rising quickly, the gas price definitely would rise alittle bit more than before. Maybe BSC need some layer2 and sidechainsolution as well lol.

Lola(AMAHOST):Lol. That’s right

Q8. Can you share with our communitythe plans you and your project have for this year and the comingyears?

Jerkill:1. At the moment, we are working on recruiting new marketing andoperation teams. (The most important one for sure)

2. Our devs are now working ondesigning the Fork Finance v2 parallel. (To expand our protocol’sutility)

3. We are trying our best to make ourprotocol more decentralize using tools like snapshot to vote for alldecisions.

4.  In the coming years, we wildeliver more high quality startup defi projects for all our $Forkholders and move  our protocol to all blockchains not justbinance smart chain.

Lola(AMAHOST):Greatplans I must say.

Q9. What are the major challenges inFork Finance and how do you intend to solve them?

Jerkill:The major challenge definitely is that our marketing and operationteam quit. It’s really tough to  handle lots of collaborationissues without marketing and operation team. We are trying our bestto recruit a new teams and become more stronger.  Also, we wouldmake our protocol  more decentralize like using multisig in ourprotocol and give some key to our community to reduce the Influencefor this kind of things.

Q10.Share with us all the links about Fork Finance, so that readers canfind out more and also follow the development of the project.

Jerkill:Follow us:


Farming page:



Telegram Group:

Announcement Channel:

Dao Governance:

Q11. Lastly our favourite question,do you have any alpha or juicy news for us in BSC News today?

Jerkill:There are some promising projects are coming and collaborating withus. But I can’t tell you their exact name at present. So stay tunedfor following Cash Event  🙂


Thanks for your time Jerkill.

That was a nice session with you. Thesecond session is starting now

Jerkill:Thanks for all of you, especially for our supporters.

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