BSCN has posted my content on the website. Is BSCN Allowed to post information of other authors or websites or not? We receive a lot of misconfussion about the use of third party content.
Via the content consensus we hope to clarify some of the misunderstanding about the use of third party content.
BSCN Follows these guidelines
You DON’T need permission:
- To use quotes from famous people as long as they are used in a brief and positive or neutral way to support your independent work – and with proper attribution.
- To quote or reference the title or author of a work such as books, poems, movies, TV shows or songs.
- To link to something online from your website, blog, book or other publication.
- To quote books or other works published before 1923
- For news stories or scientific studies. Shorter quotes, references and paraphrasing is usually ok without permission. Copying large amounts of a story or study, however, may require permission from the writer or publisher. Most sites have a policies/procedures page that will note their preferences.
- Recipes (although this falls into a bit of a gray area – for more info read this article by attorney Sara F. Hawkins.)
- To quote scriptures from Bibles published before 1923 (see section below).
You DO need permission to use:
- Song lyrics or poems (even partial ones). Songwriters are very protective of their rights—and permissions can be very expensive and difficult to obtain. There are a couple of exceptions, though:
- If you’re quoting a song from before 1923 you don’t need permission. All works before then are in the public domain.
- Hymns that are in the public domain fall under fair use. Not ALL hymns are free to use, though, so be sure to check.
- If you’re writing song lyrics as part of a scholarly work or a critical review, you may have permission under fair use.
- Art or photography that is copyrighted. Best practice is to use photos or images that are public domain, licensed creative commons, stock images, or belong to you.
- Quotes from famous people if they are used as a book title or as a majority of the book contents.
- Quotes from “new” versions of the Bible published after 1923 (see section below)
Whether you are writing an article or a book, at some point, you will need to cite someone else’s work.
Do I Need Permission to Cite That? The Fair-Use Rule in U.S. Copyright Law?
Copyrights and CITE Rights
We understand the frustration of the misunderstood lines between copyrights and cite rights.
Do you know what copyright is? Do you know how copyright violation is different from plagiarism? It is possible to violate copyright, but not commit plagiarism, and vice versa — it is up to you to understand the difference and to advoid both problems.