Category Archives: AMA’s

AMAchella – Under the Radar – Transcript

See what the five participating projects (Hotcross, Dvision, Realfevr, Altura, Moonpot,) had to say during our AMAchella. Andrew (BSC.News): Hello everyone and welcome to the highly anticipated AMAChella Under the Radar edition! Maxim Sindall (Altura): Excited to be here! Andrew (BSC.News): Today we have an amazing lineup of projects that I will introduce right[Read more…]

Bitspawn AMA Recap

BSCDaily hosts Bitspawn: #Bitspawn #NFTGaming #SolanaNFTs #SolanaDaily #SOL Solanda_Daily  Admin: Hello and welcome, how are you today? Eric: I’m doing great, thank you for having me! Solanda_Daily  Admin: Happy to hear! Ready to start our AMA? Q1: Now to start the AMA, team Bitspawn please have a quick introduction to the community about your project & background of the team behind.[Read more…]

TreeDefi AMA Recap

BSCDaily hosts TreeDefi: #TreeDefi #YieldFarming #CarbonMarket #BSCDaily #BSC BSC_Daily Admin: Hello and welcome, how are you today? Dragon Blood Tree: Heyy, doing great. BSC_Daily Admin: Happy to hear! Ready to start our AMA? Dragon Blood Tree: Yup let’s get it going! Q1: Can you give us a general introduction of you and Tree Defi? Dragon Blood Tree: I’m blood tree, and I’m one[Read more…]

StrongNode AMA Recap

Polygon_Daily Admin hosts StrongNode: #StrongNode #StrongNodeEdge #PolygonDaily #Polygon Polygon_Daily Admin: Hello and welcome, how are you today? Daniel Saito: Hey there, I am doing great!  Glad to be here. Polygon_Daily Admin: Happy to hear! Ready to start our AMA? Daniel Saito: Sounds great more than ever. Q1: Now to start the AMA, team StrongNode please have a quick introduction to the community.[Read more…]

VikingsChain AMA Transcript

“VikingsChain – A Legendary Multiplayer Battle-game structured to allow users to customize their heroes and win rewards in tournaments,utilizing the BSC network.” Andrew (BSC.News): Hello everyone and welcome to the AMA with Vikingschain! Today we have an exciting one as a Vikingschain member will be here to answer some questions about their project, as well[Read more…]

GameFi AMA Recap

BSCDaily hosts GameFi: #Launchpad #GameFi #P2E #BSCDaily #BSC BSC_Daily Admin: Hello and welcome, how are you today? Lexia Ng: I’m so glad for being here today and ready for every question you may have about GameFi. BSC_Daily Admin: Happy to hear! Ready to start our AMA? Lexia Ng: Sure. Q1: Now to start the AMA, team GameFi please have a quick introduction[Read more…]

Gem Guardian AMA Recap

BSCDaily hosts Gem Guardian: #NFT #GemGuardian #GEM #NFTCard #BSCDaily #BSC BSC_Daily Admin: Hello and welcome, how are you today? LS: Very good, thanks for having us here. BSC_Daily Admin: Happy to hear! Ready to start our AMA? LS: Let’s do it. Q1: Now to start the AMA, team Gem Guardian please have a quick introduction to the community. What is Gem Guardian[Read more…]

MemeKiller AMA Transcript

“Memekiller is NFT Game build on binance smart chain. We are an army, and our mission to kill sh*tcoins!” Andrew (BSC.News): Hello everyone and welcome to the AMA with MemeKiller! Today we have their CEO @robert_killer joining us today Welcome Robert Robert Killer: Hello guys!  I’m ceo memekiller! Andrew (BSC.News): Pleasure to have you here[Read more…]

Monsta Infinite AMA Recap

BSCDaily hosts Monsta Infinite: #NFTs #MonstaInfinite #NFTGame #P2E #BSCDaily #BSC BSC_Daily Admin: Hello and welcome, how are you today? Monsta Veteran: Couldn’t be better. BSC_Daily Admin: Happy to hear! Ready to start our AMA? Monsta Veteran: Yup. Q1: Now to start the AMA, team Monsta Infinite please have a quick introduction to the community. What is Monsta Infinite all about & background[Read more…]