BunnyPark and MDEX CropPool Contract Faces Temporary Halt and Upgrade

The staking and unstaking of MDEX on BunnyPark remain affected as it upgrades its CrossPool contract.

BunnyPark Halt MDEX Staking  

BunnyPark is currently upgrading its joint CropPool contract with MDEX protocol. As such, the staking and unstaking of MDEX on BunnyPark has been temporarily halted. Both protocols remain confident that the issue will be tackled within a short time. 

BunnyPark offers CropPools with numerous tokens, but the MDX CropPool provides one of the highest Annual Percent Rate (APR). However, staking $MDEX to earn $BP CrossPool is unavailable due to the ongoing contract upgrade. BunnyPark assured users that they will rectify the issue, adding that other functions on the protocol are unaffected and their assets are secure. 

“As contract is upgrading, staking and unstaking of the joint CropPool by #BunnyPark and @Mdexswap are halted,” tweeted BunnySwap on September 13. “Harvest function is still functioning. Technicians of both parties are solving the issue. Do pay attention to new announcements. All assets are safe.”

MDEX replied to BunnyPark’s tweet the same day with the same motive of updating users, ensuring that there is no cause for alarm. The composite Decentralized Finance (DeFi) ecosystem also asserted that technicians would resolve the issue in the space of a day or two. 

MDEX’s Reply | Source

Solid Work from BunnyPark

August was successful for the incubation platform on Binance Smart Chain (BSC). The protocol posted its weekly event highlights on 14th August, publishing the top-class accomplishments attained from 7th August to 13th August. 

“This week has been an eventful week for BunnyPark. With the launching of SaaS incubator, Bug Bounty Program on Immunefi and accepting Kirin Fund’s strategic investment, we are right on track with our roadmap,” the August 14 Medium disclosed. 

Staking of MDX in partnership with MDEX protocol to earn BP CropPool was launched on 12th August along with other significant integrations like the SaaS incubator and the Bug Bounty Program on Immunefi. The Incubator was established to promote outstanding developers and teams on BSC through funding worth 5 million BP. 

Since its launch, the protocol has successfully incubated two Non-fungible Token (NFT) GameFi projects, namely, Angel NFTGame and CryptoPlanet. Also, BunnyPark won the second round of PancakeSwap’s Farm Auction on 18th August after relentless bidding, allowing users to earn $CAKE tokens with BP-BNB LP on PancakeSwap with high APR. 

To crown all the achievements, BunnyPark received the Innovation Medal on BSC’s 1st Anniversary as the most innovative DeFi + NFT project on BSC. The protocol, however, has stated that there is still much work to be done after the considerable progress made. 

“However, that does not mean BunnyPark team is going to stay put. There is still a lot of work to be done to BUIDL a better and more exciting BunnyPark 2.0. After much planning, team has updated BunnyPark DOCS with more exciting features that would greatly benefit the BunnyPark communities,” according to BunnyPark’s blog on 4th September. 

About BunnyPark 

BunnyPark is a Yield farming and NFT protocol built on BSC. The protocol offers several features such as farming, NFT marketplace, Liquidity Pools, Decentralized Exchange (DEX), and many more. The protocol has numerous supporters from around cryptocurrency, including Binance Smart, MetaMask, TrustWallet, CoinMarketCap, and CoinGecko. BunnyPark has also been audited by Certik, PeckShield, and SlowMist. 

Where to find BunnyPark:

Website | Twitter | Telegram | Medium | GitHub |

Source : bsc.news

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