Europol’s Dark Web Specialist Nils Andersen-Röed is Binance’s New A&I Director
Binance is leaving no stone unturned in reinforcing its endeavour of emerging as a global, fully-compliant financial institution. Binance is building stellar human capital in its Audit and Investigations unit. World’s largest cryptocurrency exchange earlier hired Aron Akbiyikian (a former Californian detective) as Director, Audit & Investigations (A&I). Now, the Dutch National Police’s Dark Web Unit’s ex-Project Leader, Nils Andersen-Röed, is Binance’s newest A&I Director. Europol’s Andersen-Röed in the Netherlands and former Mariposa County Detective, Aron Akbiyikian, in California. Binance’s regulatory compliance commitment is quite apparent.
Andersen-Röed will initiate and lead internal and external investigations to scan scammers prone to committing crimes on Binance. He will be responsible for protecting users funds whilst also simplifying investigations of law enforcement agencies. Having worked for Dark Web teams at Europol and the Dutch National Police. Andersen-Röed was Operations Project Leader at Gravesac / Bayonet, closing Alphabay and the Hansa Market. At Gravesac / Bayonet, Nils Andersen-Röed prominently assisted in securing illicit trades’ details to assist law enforcement agencies.
The working style of Andersen-Röed is quite unique and progressive. He believes that developing a broader perspective towards the entire ecosystem of criminals’ operations is a must. He opines that while some criminally-inclined participants would access the crypto market with illicit intentions. Their presence also hinders the expectations of genuine market players. He intends to make Binance safe and secure to augment public-private sector collaborations.
Source : bsctimes
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