Author Archives: BSC NEWS

Binance Smart Chain MVB Monthly Stars Announced

BSCs Most Valuable Builder III has revealed its monthly stars as projects receive substantial gas fee rebates. Stars Shine Bright for BSCs MVB III An array of projects on Binance’s Most Valuable Builder (MVB) III have distinguished themselves, exemplifying their ability to remain relevant and effective and follow in the footsteps of previous winners.  In[Read more…]

Depth.Fi – The Trusted Stablecoin & BNB Asset Manager on Binance Smart Chain & HECO

The utility that the ecosystem gives to stablecoins gives them a niche in an often volatile crypto landscape, as Depth shows a way to boost stablecoin yield in a secure manner. Introducing Depth Fi Depth Fi is a Decentralized Finance (DeFi) project that is centered around building an ecosystem of stablecoin as well as mainstream assets management.[Read more…]

Who Are The Top 5 MicroCap Lending and Borrowing Projects on BSC

Here, we outline the top five lending projects on Binance Smart Chain under a $50 Million market cap. Top Five MicroCaps We’re all familiar with the top lending and borrowing platforms, protocols like Venus Protocol or PancakeSwap, but what about the projects that are showinig real promise and just beginning to establish themselves? Where you place your money[Read more…]

Venus Dedicates $15 Million of Collateral Funds to Cover Fallout Recovery

The outstanding debts from early 2021 will not be carried over into 2022. Venus Quashes Final Debts Venus Protocol is preparing steps to restructure the final outstanding debts from their Spring 2021 exploits. The protocol plans to reallocate $15 Million of its collateral fund reserves and treasury funds to help recover the final outstanding debts 1925.43833 BTC[Read more…]

Episode 73: A Conversation With Depay

Current Episode Latest BSC.NEWS Podcast Stream Source : BSC NEWSFounded in 2020, BSCNews is the leading media platform covering decentralized finance (DeFi) on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC). We cover a wide range of blockchain news revolving mainly around the DeFi sector of the crypto markets. BSCNews aims to inform, educate and share information[Read more…]

“Interplanetary Token” to Launch on BSC

This crypto is ready to shoot far past the moon and into a new gravitation pull. MDT Team Picks BSC for Token Launch  The MDT token will be the first token released from the Mars Dollar Token (MDT) protocol. The presale, beginning Oct. 15th, will launch on the ever-growing Feed Every Gorilla Exchange (FEGex).  The token will[Read more…]

CURE Token – Healing Through Crypto

The project has a truly admirable mission to raise funding to benefit research into cures for childhood cancer. Introducing CureToken CURE is a community-driven deflationary token on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC). The project is the evolution of the highly successful Beckley Foundation – a 501c3 nonprofit organization dedicated to curing childhood cancer. When the[Read more…]

ApeSwap Launches Self Serve Auction House for Non-Fungible Apes

ApeSwap is opening its auction house so that all Non-Fungible Ape holders can use it. NFA Auctions ApeSwap has launched self-service auctions for Non-Fungible Apes. The development allows community members to auction their NFT monkeys in largely the same fashion as they purchased them.‍ Auctions will be subject to a number of conditions, with only one[Read more…]

PancakeSwap Updates To-Do List to Clear up Protocol Focus

The list provides clarity on the protocol’s current focus in the Decentralized Finance space. PancakeSwap Provides Clarity Via To-do List PancakeSwap has updated its To-Do list. The number one Decentralized Exchange (DEX) protocol on Binance Smart Chain (BSC) posted the update to clarify its current focus to users.  The To-Do list documents ongoing/recurring items, upcoming ventures, and completed plans on PancakeSwap.[Read more…]