“APWars is the most innovative gamified farming protocol on BSC with the best and most fun APRs in DeFi.”
Andrew (BSC.News)
Hello everyone and welcome to the AMA with APWars! Today we have Arthas from APWars joining us today to answer some questions about their project
Great to have you here Arthas š
Arthas APWars
Hello everyone, it is a pleasure to be here with you.
Andrew (BSC.News)
Same here š
So how this will work is, the AMA will consist of two rounds. The first round will be us going through the questions that I had prepared for you before hand. And then the second round will be a community round where I will open up the room to allow questions to come in. The second round is also where we will select the two winners of our giveaway
Sound good with you?
Arthas APWars
Sounds amazing, I am very excited to present the universe of APWars to more players.
Andrew (BSC.News)
Awesome, looking forward to learning more about it!
So my first question is
1. Please introduce yourself and the team behind APWars.
Arthas APWars
Hello, my name is Arthas, I am a Paladin and the APWars game was founded by me and the great Orc Vulug. The team is much bigger now and have 10+ other people working for the game, in all areas, from communications to development.
Andrew (BSC.News)
Okay nice, so naturally my next question is
2. What is APWars?
Arthas APWars
APWars is the first and most amazing blockchain game that brought the concept of utility token battles, even before Pancake Swap did something similar! We created a game inspired in classical games of our infancies such as Magic the Gathering, Age of Empires, Tribal Wars and so on. In short APWars is an online blockchain turn based game which is evolving from a simple battle mechanics to a full fledge medieval village building game with the Arcadia Expansion. Today there is much to do, you can barter in the market, create an army, collect NFTs, go to War, celebrate in festivals but this is just a piece of the action that is coming.
Andrew (BSC.News)
Oh wow, and is the Arcadia expansion free for all users?
Arthas APWars
There are many ways to play or interact with Arcadia, some pathways do not require any purchase others do. You can recruit workers for free and start cleaning and building the world but to own Villages, lands and other foundations you will need to buy those game items with wLAND for example.
Andrew (BSC.News)
Oh okay I see, thanks for that clarification! We can touch more on that in a bit
3. What is the gameplay like? Is it play-to-earn?
Arthas APWars
I am going to divide this one in two answers.
The gameplay. There is a war between two factions, known as the “Corporation” (Corps) and the “Degenerates” (Degen) is a bloody combat from which only one winner can emerge. Despite being enemies, they have a common enemy, and that’s where you embark on a fantastic adventure against the Forces of Extreme Darkness. To do it, in APWars you build your strategy to go to war. With the coming expansion your strategy will be even more complex, you will be able to build watchtowers, markets, receive game items in exchange for offering services, use workers to collect resources, and much more. Depending on the objective of each player, APWars (especially the Arcadia Expansion) has an infinite range of gameplay.
About the play to earn part:
We know that, until then, there is a very strong financial appeal in blockchain-based games, causing many people to play exclusively for the purpose of earning tokens and having some kind income-like mentality. In APWars you can win or lose tokens depending on what you do. No doubt you can make gains in terms of game items on APWars if you have a good strategy however it is a ā0 sumā just like any other blockchain game or token and it did not emerge for that purpose. We do not promise gains of any kind and discourage any player to enter the game with a financial mindset. But if you are looking for an exciting environment for entertainment be more than welcome to our community!
Andrew (BSC.News)
Okay very nice! Thank you for that explanation!
4. Can you tell us how users can go about training troops and fighting wars with them?
Arthas APWars
Sure! There are two ways to adquire troops or wUnits as we call those game utility tokens. The first one is buying those tokens directly and the second one and most fun is farming wUNITS. You can farm wUNITSĀ atĀ All by burning wGOLD and start farming them. Then whenever you have built an army you can send your army to war by staking your wUnits at the war contract over here: app.apwars.farm/wars
Andrew (BSC.News)
Okay I’m glad that you touched on that because my next question is
5. What is $wGOLD? How is it used on APWars?
Arthas APWars
wGOLD is and always will be the main utility token of APWars. It is used to generate troops (you can foster loyal troops or hire mercenaries as we explained), to acquire game items, to trade at the black market and much more. It will have a very important role in the Arcadia expansion. Its liquidity is channeled to all other tokens. With wGOLD . It is important to say that wGOLD is being minted in this first phase of the protocol in which we are distributing the game token to the community, but wGOLD is getting scarcer every week since there is a periodic 8% reduction in emissions until it reaches zero.
Andrew (BSC.News)
Oh okay so wGOLD holders will keep getting rewarded
6. Can you tell us about the Wars that occur on AP Wars? As well as events and other features that make it unique?
Arthas APWars
Players choose which side they would like to battle at: Corporations or Degens. The strength and defense amount of each faction units is summed, but randomness and morale are added to the mix. Randomness can be understood as luck, a randomly generated number that can benefit one side instead of the other. Morale is a variable that decreases the strength and defense attributes of the most numerous team, and the higher the difference in these attributes between the teams, the higher morale will affect the War results. We recently went through the third war, it happens from time to time, and all the brave who go to war receive courage rewards (wCOURAGE) at a post-war festival.
So the battle mechanics rewards the strongest team that will have a chance to fight for the FEDs (Dragon’s) treasury but also the weaker team that earns more wCOURAGE from facing a more powerful enemy.
Andrew (BSC.News)
And what’s in the Dragon’s treasury?
Also if randomness is randomly generated, how is morale chosen?
Arthas APWars
Ok that was going to be answered on the question about fees. 90% of all fees collected at the liquidity polls goes to the Dragon’s treasury and back to the community! This is the main war prize.
Morale is an equilibrium factor. Whenever we have a David fighting Goliath the smart contract tends to help the weaker side with a bonus that can be as high as a 20% power modified.
Andrew (BSC.News)
Oh nice, you can definitely tell that a lot of thought has gone into this project to ensure fairness and fun for all users
7. Can you tell us more about your farms?
Arthas APWars
They are going to end. Haha. Lets explore this a little more! APWars is a game that uses blockchain technology to enable decentralized ownership of game items. We are on the first phase of the game in which the farming is used to distribute game items to the community, this is the way that the developers experimented with at the start but eventually the farming aspect of APWars will be gradually extinguished as the development roadmap of Arcadia is accomplished. We will focus way more on interaction, game experiences and a player will have to implement a game strategy to win game tokens. For example you can build a Village and attack your neighbor by pillaging another village for wGOLD.
Andrew (BSC.News)
Ah I see, so rather than having a focus that is entirely to farm as many tokens as you can. What you just explained incentivizes players into actually playing the game strategically in order to earn
I really like that concept
My next question is
8. Are you audited? With so many features listed on APWars, how can you ensure users that your platform is safe to use?
Arthas APWars
Andrew you got the point with such a little conversation! I wish that we have way more players with this mindset and vision in the future!
Andrew (BSC.News)
Thank you! A community of players who want to win and play will truly make a great game. Especially on blockchain where players tend to focus more on profits
Arthas APWars
We haven’t been audited yet, because the game is still in its development stage and the game also started using its own resources. This means that we did not do any funding and the absence of funding did not allow us to pay for the audits yet. We have specialists in the field on our team, they are competent professionals to help us with this, but players can see from the game’s history, the efficient structure, and many other external sources that can prove the decent degree of safety of the protocol.
In other words do not put tokens you cannot lose in any blockchain protocol.
Andrew (BSC.News)
Of course and to be fair, an audit does not always ensure the safety of funds as smart contracts always carry a risk
But thank you for those reassuring words
Arthas APWars
That is true.
Andrew (BSC.News)
So last but not least
9. Any exciting news you would like to announce today?
Arthas APWars
Oh that one is special. Wait for it.
Andrew (BSC.News)
Wait for it as in, wait 30 seconds?
Trying my best here to get the BSC News community some teasers hahaš
Arthas APWars
The Arcadia Expansion will be released soon and, in this expansion, people can dominate races, cultures, religions, war services, markets and more! For this, they can acquire land and build their constructions with complete freedom of strategy.
I do not like bragging but with the Arcadia Expansion APWars will be the most functional and playable blockchain game in the BSC ecosystem.
I believe that on Monday, wLAND (the game token to acquire these lands) will be available for sale. Everyone is waiting to be the great APWars conqueror! Here’s a challenge: I dare you to build a great empire in Arcadia Expansion! Follow us on social media and stay tuned for the launch of wLAND, our Arcadia game token.
Andrew (BSC.News)
And nothing wrong with bragging when you are confidant
Arthas, could you please provide us with links to your social media, websites and etc. so that our community can stay up to date on APWars?
Arthas APWars
Twitter: Ā
Telegram: Ā
AnnouncementsĀ Channel:
Andrew (BSC.News)
Nice, make sure to go check out APWars everyone! They are a new and exciting gamified farming protocol on BSC that is looking to revolutionize the blockchain gaming space with their passion and knowledge of the space. You don’t want to miss out on this!This is a paid Ask Me Anything (AMA), BSC.News does not endorse and is not responsible for or liable for any content, accuracy, quality, advertising, products, or other materials on this page. The project team has purchased this advertisement AMA for $2000 Readers should do their own research before taking any actions related to the company. BSC.News is not responsible, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection with the use of or reliance on any content, goods, or services mentioned in the AMA.
Source : bsc.news

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