Monthly Archives: October 2021

Cryptonomics: How to Protect from Phishing Scams

Members of the crypto community can easily fall victim to scams and lose their assets by interacting with scam airdrop tokens. What is an Airdrop?  Crypto airdrops refer to tokens distributed to selected wallet addresses normally for free. They are routinely used by blockchain projects to create awareness or to reward members of their communities.[Read more…]

Is Umbrella Network Launching a BSC to Ethereum Cross-chain Bridge?

Umbrella Network successfully launched on Ethereum on October 1st. Now a cross-chain bridge between BSC and Ethereum appears to be in the pipeline. Under My Umbrella BSCNews can confirm that the oracle provider Umbrella Network will launch a BSC to Ethereum token bridge within the next few days. The update will mean that Umbrella Network will roll[Read more…]

Stone Temple Binance AMA Transcript

“Stone Temple Binance is a DeFi platform that takes user benefits to the next level. Stone Temple Binance has two proprietary tokens: STB and PLUSH!” Andrew (BSC.News) Hello everyone and welcome to the AMA with Stone Temple! Kurt Cobain ( Intro Andrew (BSC.News) Today we have the legendary Kurt Cobain and Wojack Horseman joining us[Read more…]

Crypto Licenses for DBSV & Independent Reserve in Singapore

The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) has permitted DBS Vickers (DBSV) and Independent Reserve (IR) to offer cryptocurrency services. Singapore’s central bank, MAS has officially given a crypto green signal to DBS Bank’s brokerage arm (DBSV) and a CEX and OTC trading desk (IR). The largest bank in Singapore and Southeast Asia, DBS Bank Ltd. has announced its[Read more…]

Vous Media Group Announces The First Mafia Game On BSC

By fusing the fun and addicting aspect of being a gangster for a day with the opportunity to gain real-world tradable goods, DopeWarz aspires to create a metaverse with an in-game, virtual economy that replicates supply and demand patterns seen in cities worldwide. A game’s value is analogous to how Bitcoin is valued; it is directly proportional[Read more…]

Belt Finance Paid DeFi’s Largest Reported Bounty Fee

Belt Finance, an automated market maker (AMM) protocol on Binance Smart Chain (BSC) that employs a yield optimization approach, claims to have awarded the biggest reward in the history of decentralized finance (DeFi) to a white hat hacker who avoided a $10 million bug issue. Alexander Schlindwein, an industry white hat programmer, found the flaw[Read more…]

OVR’s ARwards for Content Creators

Decentralized multiverse platform for live events, OVR, introduces “The ARwards.” ARwards contest is open to all creators questing avenues to boost visibility and win prizes in the process. It fuses the physical and virtual worlds via Augmented Reality (AR). Via ARwards contest, content creators can project their 3D experiences globally. The event is anticipated to promote[Read more…]

Europe Now Tops The Crypto Economy Chart With Over $1T In Transactions

DeFi has grown to be a key force in the European crypto economy. The percentage of transactions handled by large institutions has risen considerably as well. The European Union has become the first region to transact in cryptocurrency in surpassing one trillion dollars. Chainalysis, a blockchain analytics company, found that the CNWE crypto block was the[Read more…]

Green Beli Raises $1.1 Million for a Sustainable NFT Gaming Project

There has been a lot of talk among global leaders in the past year about the need to address climate change and establish goals to protect the planet from disasters like forest fires and coastal floods. However, more cooperation is necessary if we are to see the sort of transformation we need. Green Beli may be[Read more…]

Nigerian eNaira CBDC Launch & CBN’s Infringement

CBN’s e-Naira CBDC’s Oct. 1 launch revised due to 61st Independence day clash eNaira, Nigeria’s Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC), is expected to enhance possibilities to initiate “easier financial transactions.” While the eNaira CBDC was initially set to launch on October 1st, 2021. The date in question clashing with Nigeria’s 61st Independence day anniversary has[Read more…]