Monthly Archives: February 2021

Cryptonomics: What Are Flash Loans

The flash loan concept is relatively new and is already generating good interest from users worldwide. Despite its apparent positive impact on DeFi, it can also be hijacked for malicious intentions. ‍ Introduction Many people have a time when they have to make some expenditure, and they don’t have sufficient funds of their own to[Read more…]

Certik AMA Transcript

BSC.NEWS hosts CERTIK, a leading decentralized security solution, offering comprehensive security audits. All questions were answered by @CertiKMarco @alebo95 @kozuelam ‍ Cryptoshrimp5 (AMA host): First of all, on behalf of BSC News, we would like to welcome Certik Team to this AMA. Aaron CertiK: Thank you for hosting us! Very excited to be here Cryptoshrimp5 (AMA host): Alright[Read more…]

Thousands Of Consumers Are Using The Newest Applications Of Binance Smart Chain

Dapps based on the Binance Smart Chain dominate the cryptographic industry as PancakeSwap has many active users ahead of Uniswap. Further consumers use decentralized Binance Smart Chain applications (dapps). This is despite problems with centralized components in the blockchain framework. As DappRadar data reveals, Ethereum-based DEX Uniswap has been a shift into a specific number[Read more…]

Fusion Network Project Insight: An Innovative Ecosystem Powering Financial Transactions

This layer-1 blockchain is rapidly growing as more protocols continue to deploy on the Fusion Network. Abstract The European Central Bank’s 2020 report (dated December) points to the urgent need for cryptocurrency to be introduced into everyday life.  Alongside this, 2021 continues to be a year of global changes in the economy amidst the Coronavirus pandemic. The[Read more…]

BSC Tutorial: Participating In PancakeSwap Lottery

The lottery provides a fun and interactive event for all CAKE users to participate in. Those who don’t find appeal in participating in a lottery are still winning as the deflationary mechanic drives value to their CAKE tokens. ‍ Introduction Pancakeswap is a DEX AMM exchange on the smart chain network launched by anonymous developers[Read more…]

Kebab AMA Transcript

BSC.NEWS hosts Kebab, a strategically superior yield farming community on the Binance Smart Chain. All questions were answered by @chefkebabi and @nicholaskebabfi. ‍ Nicholas – Kebab Finance: thanks for having us ‍ Chef: Sure I will try to answer the communities question in the most transparent way possible. ‍ Crypto Shrimp (AMA host): thanks for that sir,[Read more…]

Bitcoin vacation sales, 3 million dollars Binance Smart chain heists

Observers predict that the crypto monetary sell-off would be made in Chinese mining funds to purchase gifts before or after the Chinese Spring Festival holidays.  DeFi ventures have vanished from Binance Smart Chain, a developer site that took approximately $3 million. The BSN has initiated a project to provide China with updated public chains. Sell-off[Read more…]

BSC Tutorial: Providing BakerySwap Liquidity & Utilizing Beefy.Finance Yield Optimizers

This tutorial is a great way to begin yield farming on the Binance Smart Chain in a very effective way. There are numerous liquidity pairs which users can choose from offering high yields. ‍ Introduction Bakeryswap is a DeFi protocol built on the BSC network. It’s a decentralized exchange which leverages Automated Marker Making (AMM)[Read more…]

McBase Project Review: A Supersized Rebase Cryptocurrency

Overall, McBase focuses on creating a fun elastic supply token that can easily price crypto assets through the tangible comparative standard while simultaneously allowing users to yield farm. ‍ Introduction McBase leverages the Big Mac Index idea, a measure used by the economist that loosely and ironically prices fiat currencies as undervalued or overvalued. The[Read more…]

Soteria Finance Project Insight: Pioneering Insurance on the Binance Smart Chain

As more developers build on BSC, there is a need to have a robust insurance platform that will help the BSC community mitigate the inherent risks of smart contract vulnerabilities and hack attacks. Introduction When an unanticipated inconvenient event such as a car accident or a natural disaster occurs, many affected people often realize that[Read more…]